Make the simple things hard so the hard things become easier

Make the simple things hard so the hard things become easier

I first heard this from my teacher Christina Sell, and have repeated it to myself and to class so many times that I now take ownership – with props to Christina of course 🙂

This speaks so true to me and has changed my view of how I work to attain the harder poses and to focus differently on the seemingly more simple poses.


Yoga is hard work.

No matter what poses you are in, heck, standing in Tadasana is hard work!


A favourite story is from a few years back.
Now a dedicated student of yoga, S emailed me after her first class and said she didn’t understand what was going on in that room. It looked to her like everyone was just standing there.
To me it was funny to hear that perspective, because it was true.
We were all just standing there

But it’s whats happening on the inside that makes those seemingly simple poses more difficult.

Learning how to draw awareness through all parts of the body,

Learning how to discover imbalance and to create balance,

Learning how to draw the breath throughout the body

Learning how to tense or relax parts of the body,

Learning how to love yourself everyday

Learning whats truly important

Learning to listen deeply

Learning everyday

