Your practice for the Dark Days of December

Your practice for the Dark Days of December

At the end of this month, we will celebrate the deepest darkest time of Year.

We will welcome in the last new moon of 2017 and the Winter Solstice, which is also the shortest day of the year.

We will celebrate with festivities to light up the night, brighten up our homes and treasure warm memories with our loved ones.

It is at this time of year that we need to find balance between the busyness of the season and honouring the darkness.

Our innate nature feels a call for quiet and rest.
This is a time for dreaming, and a time for reflection
This is time to create and a time to bring forth whats in your heart

Heed the call and take time to focus inwards.
Begin writing in your journal
Evoke Your Yoga and meditation practices to support your efforts as you call in for deeper self reflection.

Journal Writing

At the top of one page write, ‘Things I am letting go of
Spend some time repeating the phrase to yourself a few times silently or out loud.
Close your eyes and feel the words resonate through you.
Begin to write down everything that comes to mind without restriction

At the top of another page write, “Things I am inviting in
Repeat the same practice for this page as well

Feel free to repeat this again and again during these next few weeks.
Every time you do this exercise you will get more clear on what it is you wish to let go, and what it is you would like to invite more of into your life.

Create Mantra for yourself by bringing what you want into a phrase you can offer yourself during your meditation or anytime you have a few quiet moments.
Choose to put one word after the phrase, “I Am ______”  or “I Am Inviting in More _____ into my life
Allow the words to change as your focus becomes more clear

Yoga practice
Here is a short Yoga sequence to help support you in moving energy to centre, ground, or energize yourself.

Begin by taking a few moments to sit, stand or lie down quietly.
Notice how you are feeling, the quality of your breath.
Use your breath and each exhalation to soften and release any held tensions.

While it’s always best to practice under the watchful eye of a trusted Yoga teacher, it’s good also to learn how to practice on your own.
Practicing at home requires you to be your own teacher.
Pay attention to what doesn’t feel right and adjust yourself to find the place where there is balance between work and rest in every pose.

Audo Mukha Svanasana/Downward Facing Dog Pose
A great pose to stretch your whole body and release tension in your neck and shoulders.  Engage the muscular actions of your feet, hands, legs and arms so that your torso can find more length and open up some tighter places.
This pose is also a moderate inversion which gives you the extra bonus of having your head below your heart for a few moments

Vrksasana/Tree Pose
This pose helps to put us in balance, even amid the imbalance. Focus on the connection you feel to the earth as you ground and to the sky as you grow towards it.
This is an excellent pose for focus, centre and release excess energy

Natarajasana/Dancer Pose
Practice this pose with your outstretched hand touching the wall or in the middle of the room to challenge your balance.
This pose will open the entire back line and front line of your body, and leave you feeling relaxed with a buzz of energy flowing everywhere.

Vipariti Kirani/Legs up the wall
This pose is easily a fan favourite. With your legs elevated and you resting on the floor, the mind becomes instantly relaxed. Ensure that your forehead is higher than your chin, and that you are warm and able to spend a few moments in this delicious pose.
When you come out you will feel deep relaxation and renewed.

Spending a few minutes everyday being still and gently breathing, is good practice.
Some days your mind will calm and attune to your body and breath, and some days your mind may waunder freely.
All is good practice and opens the doorway to knowing ourselves deeply.

Practice seated on the floor with your hips higher than your knees, seated in a chair or lying down in Savasana.

Enjoy these dark days my friends,
for they are to be treasured and enjoyed