I feel your pain

I feel your pain

Dear Student

Yes, you may feel sore after your practice.
And those aches may last for a few days.
That likely will happen more often than not

I love the way Shri BKS Iyengar explains pain and yoga in Light on Life

“It is not just that yoga is causing all of this pain; the pain is already there. It is hidden. We just live with it or have learned not to be aware of it. It is as if your body is in a coma. When you begin yoga, the unrecognized pain comes to the surface. When we are able to use our intelligence to pruify our bodies, then the hidden pains are dispersed.

There are only two ways to confront pain: to live with the pain forever or to work with the pain and see if you can eradicate it”               


Your gonna have pain.
It’s part of life and part of inhabiting a body.

So practice and embrace the results of your practice,

Whatever they may be

Practice with hopes of discovering your body becoming

flexible, strong, connected and relaxed


Because the opposite is to be

tight, weak, disconnected, and stress filled

