The Sacred Connection between Cannabis and Yoga

The Sacred Connection between Cannabis and Yoga

I have been enjoying Cannabis for as long as I have been practicing Yoga.
They both appeared in my life at approximately the same time and presently hold equal importance.
I know that I could live without either one, but I wouldn’t want to.

The plant itself, represents what we yearn to discover through our Yoga practice:

To be Powerful and Strong,
Resilient, Flexible and Adaptable.
And to leave you feeling
Relaxed, Connected and Calm

Yoga is steeped in Hindu mythology and around the stories of the HIndu Gods and Goddesses.
Shiva is considered to be the Lord of Yoga, the Lord of Cannabis (and so much more…)
His consort Kali, is the Goddess of Cannabis and the Goddess of Compassionate Love and Powerful Transformation (and so much more…)

Both Shiva and Kali offer deep transformation. They each call to you to live authentically, to be at peace within yourself and to stoke your inner fire!
Cannabis offers these same powers of transformation.

Using Cannabis in its natural form, grinding and smoking Cannabis flowers, invokes the 5 elements of nature; Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether.
In Yoga practice we awaken these same 5 elements in our bodies and through our Chakra systems.

Yoga is deeply rooted in nature, honouring the sun with sun salutes, tree pose, mountain pose, cat, cow, dog, lizard, lotus, fish are all poses to remind us of our connection with nature.

Cannabis is an incredible plant, born by nature and curated by nature.
If you are ever fortunate to be in a greenhouse and smell cannabis growing, see its beautiful colours, admire the strength and hardiness of the plant itself, you would be forever changed.
The smell of pure green and earthy sweetness, the tropical feel of the air and the peaceful lighting are a feast for all of your senses and your entire state of being.

There is ritual in Yoga practice and ritual in preparing your Cannabis.
One involves placing your Yoga mat, gathering your props and then sitting for a few moments of quiet before you practice. Savouring the moment.
The other involves carefully selecting your strain of medicine, spending a few moments looking and smelling your cannabis. carefully grinding and then filling your tool of choice. Savouring the moment.

The gifts of Yoga practice are too numerous to list here. Let me say that Yoga has completely changed how I live, move, breathe, love, connect, enjoy, and receive the ups and downs of life.

Cannabis has also had a profound effect on my life and I am enjoying exploring both forms of Earth Medicine.

Join Hart and I for Canna Bliss Yoga on April 14 and lets keep the conversation going!
